
  • SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs Community Relations
  • SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures People Excellence


  • LA6 Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender Health and Safety
  • LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category People Excellence

Human Resources

  • HR2 Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained People Excellence



  • EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed Compile the EVG&D data, where possible, from data in the organization’s audited financial or profit and loss (P&L) statement, or its internally audited management accounts. Performance Scorecard
  • EC7 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported

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    Performance Scorecard Community Relations