Comfort Cooking

KitchenAid Brand Provides Tools for Home ‘Making’ During Quarantine
It should come as no surprise that consumer behaviors have changed in the last few months. Data collected by Whirlpool Corporation’s KitchenAid brand shows the cultural shift: Downloads of the top recipe apps have increased, and cooking and food-related content on the Internet is drawing more views per month, as new and existing cooks and bakers search for healthy and satisfying meals to prepare for their families at home.
People are finding that home cooking and baking is a great way to pass the time and feel productive, replacing entertainment venues that are now closed such as movie theaters, museums, concert and sporting venues. With kids activities and sports eliminated from busy parents’ schedules, there’s also time to tackle more complex, “gourmet-style” meals that take longer times to prepare, rather than the usual quick meals that need to be eaten on the go by constantly active families.
Another phenomenon on the rise is baking. With store shelves now short on breads, rolls, buns and other baked goods, people are taking it upon themselves to learn how to make these items at home. Part of this increased baking activity includes baking for others–where inspired home bakers are leaving care packages for their friends, family and neighbors on the front porch step.
KitchenAid is helping with this increase in home “making” as the brand calls it, with its social media campaign, #MakeItTogether, where the brand is seeing consumers from around the world share what they are making at home. For the United States region, visit the KitchenAid brand US Instagram story, US Facebook page, and US Pinterest channels, which includes links to content, culinary inspiration, custom GIPHY stickers for social posting, and user generated content.
“At KitchenAid, we believe in the merit of making” says Dan Valenti, KitchenAid small appliances VP and General Manager.
“With my family of six, I can personally see how making in the kitchen can be a comfort zone and a creative outlet. I’m proud that KitchenAid is here for our customers as we always have been, helping people take care of each other and make it together.”