Integrity Manual
Winning the Whirlpool Way

Our Integrity Manual defines Whirlpool’s principles for ethical business conduct through a modernized, principles- and values-based approach, forming the moral compass of everything we do at Whirlpool Corporation.
We’re committed to the highest standards of ethical and legal conduct and have created an environment where open and honest communications are the expectation, not the exception.
If you suspect a possible violation of Our Integrity Manual, we encourage you to speak up and report it on the Whirlpool Integrity Line.
These principles encompass our commitment to earning and keeping the trust of all our stakeholders, and are the foundation for how we behave with integrity in all situations:
- Our aim is for Whirlpool Corporation and its worldwide subsidiaries to be known, trusted and respected as one of the top enterprises in the world. In all aspects of our business, we’re continually looking for ways to do the right thing.
- We will pursue our business with honor, fairness and respect for individuals and the public at large, ever mindful that there is no right way to do a wrong thing.
- We expect our employees to comply with all laws, regulations and company policies that govern our activities around the world.
- We keep the consumer at the center of everything we do. Our consumers are at the core of our vision, mission, and strategy.
- We design and manufacture safe and high-quality products. Our consumers trust us in their homes. We are passionate about bringing them products that are safe and of high quality.
- We honor the promises we make. Our consumers’ trust is one of our most valuable assets. We are committed to keeping their trust by advertising our products and services truthfully.
- We respect We want to earn and keep trust. We work hard to protect any personal information shared with us.
- We respect each other and promote inclusion and diversity. We value each other and our unique thoughts and ideas. We recognize that appreciating our differences allows everyone to contribute to their fullest potential.
- We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace. We are committed to our people. We work hard to maintain a healthy and safe workplace where everyone can perform at their best.
- We believe in global human rights . We support human rights in everything we do. We respect freedom of association and personal political involvement.
- We are committed to sustainability and the environment. We believe in, and work hard for, sustainable use of natural resources in our facilities and products.
- We report our work accurately. We create timely, honest, and accurate business records, following processes and controls.
- We use company assets properly. We protect and use our resources with integrity and efficiency.
- We safeguard confidential information. We protect and manage information appropriately.
- We avoid conflicts of interest. We act in the best interest of Whirlpool, avoiding even the appearance of a conflict.
- We represent the company properly. We follow proper protocols regarding who may speak and act on behalf of Whirlpool.
- We prevent bribery. We do business without bribery or corruption.
- We compete fairly. We are committed to fair and open competition.
- We do not tolerate money laundering. We only do business with reputable parties. No sale or business relationship is worth compromising our integrity.
- We manage our global business appropriately. We strive to earn trust every day by doing business with integrity all over the world.
- We expect our suppliers to conduct business ethically. Our suppliers are key to our success and to maintaining the high standards and reputation of our brands.
For more information on how we set expectations and build our culture of integrity, see our full list of Corporate Policies.