Our corporate-wide diversity and inclusion priority is coming to life in the Global Product Organization (GPO) through a just-launched, externally-facing program called Whirlpool Invites Returning Engineers, aka WIRE. Through the WIRE program, our recruiters are actively looking for people with five or more years of relevant engineering experience who left the workforce and are now interested in returning.

Because the majority of career returners are female (70% are women), this program has great potential to help increase gender diversity primarily at the senior analyst to senior manager levels. This is a clear talent pipeline challenge today. Another benefit of engaging the returning population, both male and female, is reconnecting with people who bring a fresh, consumer-focused perspective about our products.

The program is open to women and men with relevant engineering and product development experience. Selected individuals will be placed on projects based in Benton Harbor/St. Joseph, Michigan. The returning engineer will be provided with a support system during their project assignment with the possibility for a full-time opportunity at the conclusion of the project. If WIRE does well during this first phase, additional locations may be added.

If you know someone who might be interested in getting WIREd, please guide them to the Whirlpool Careers page under experienced hires.